CompétencesSecteur |
Hugues Moreau assiste des opérateurs domestiques et internationaux sur l'ensemble des problématiques juridiques de la chaîne de création de valeur immobilière : fusions & acquisitions, investissements & arbitrages, promotion, restructuration, gestion d'actifs et financements. Son champ d'intervention s'étend à la structuration de joint-ventures et de véhicules d'investissement, réglementés (notamment OPCI) ou non.
Il partage son temps entre nos bureaux de Paris et Londres et intervient sur tous types de sous-jacent immobilier (bureaux, commerces et centres commerciaux, hôtellerie, logistique, habitation, résidences étudiantes, senior et médicalisées, centres de loisirs, etc.), pour une grande variété d'acteurs de l'industrie immobilière (investisseurs, promoteurs, sociétés de gestion de portefeuille, fund et asset managers, opérateurs hôteliers et de résidences gérées, etc.).
Depuis 2000, Hugues a été impliqué sur de nombreux projets d'acquisition, de cession ou de valorisation d'actifs et de portefeuilles immobiliers, de titres de créance, de sociétés à prépondérance immobilière. Il est également intervenu sur plusieurs opérations majeures de capital-investissement impliquant des acteurs de l'industrie immobilière (notamment des groupes de promotion immobilière et des sociétés de gestion agréés par l'AMF).
Son expertise est reconnue en matière d'opérations d'externalisations (sale & lease back), de promotion et de mise en location immobilières.
Il accompagne également plusieurs enseignes de premier plan pour leur développement en France et à l'international, en particulier dans les secteurs du luxe et de la mode.
Hugues assiste ses clients dans les développements contentieux de leurs activités et plaide régulièrement devant les juridictions civiles et commerciales.
Hugues Moreau est référencé dans les sections Fusions & Acquisitions et Immobilier de Legal 500 EMEA ("skillfull negotiator" and "always available", "Hugues Moreau has sharp understanding of the retail market". He is "very quick to understand issues"). Les plus récentes éditions indiquent : "excellent and very business-oriented" Hugues Moreau "is highly appreciated for his ability to advise clients on major strategic issues" and "provides fast, very efficient and enjoyable services".
"Following excellent market feedback", Hugues est également classé parmi les leaders du marché par Chambers Europe : "He has experience working for real estate investors and developers. Sources laud his client-oriented approach, with one impressed interviewee remarking: 'He knows how to present all the red flags in a way that doesn't scare the board; he is always trying to bring a solution to a problem'" (édition 2020). "Hugues Moreau is clearly known in investment as a top lawyer. He has been really successful in the last year. He managed to do a number of high-profile transactions. He's seen as the young rising stars generation within Gide" (édition 2021). "Hugues provides a very strong level of client service, commercial awareness and capacity to handle complex work. He has an interdisciplinary vision of law. He really knows how to manage difficult cases. He is a very smart lawyer" (édition 2022).
« Hugues Moreau moves up the rankings this year on the back of increased market recognition. He advises clients on significant portfolio acquisitions of both logistics and office assets. Strengths: “He is a very strong lawyer in real estate.” “He is one of the most talented lawyers of his generation.” »
Chambers Europe 2024 - Real Estate
« The strength of expertise in the team comes from Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse , who specialises in advising international investors with French transactions; Hugues Moreau; Christopher Szostak ; structured finance expert Rémi Tabbagh; and Laetitia Lemercier . »
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Real Estate
« Hugues Moreau advises clients on significant portfolio acquisitions of both logistics and office assets. Strengths: "Hugues is passionate about law and acting in the best possible way for his client. He is creative and rigorous in his work." »
Chambers Europe 2023 - Real Estate
« [...] Enfin, le cabinet est pourvu d’une des meilleures expertises de financement immobilier du marché ; il assiste souvent des banques sur la structuration des plus importants financements du marché immobilier. Frédéric Nouel dirige la pratique, à laquelle participent également: Stanislas Dwernicki, Eric Martin-Impératori, Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse, Bertrand Oldra, Christopher Szostak, Hugues Moreau, Jean-François Levraud, Nicolas Planchot et Constantin Miliotis, qui a été promu associé au début de l’année 2020. »
Legal 500 Paris 2022 - Immobilier
« Frédéric Nouel leads a team of acclaimed real estate lawyers: Eric Martin-Impératori, Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse, Christopher Szostak, Hugues Moreau, Kamel Ben Salah, Rémi Tabbagh and Laetitia Lemercier. »
Legal 500 EMEA 2022 - Real Estate
« Hugues Moreau is praised by clients for his "interdisciplinary vision of law," with the addition that "he really knows how to manage difficult cases and is very helpful." He advises clients on significant portfolio acquisitions of both logistics and office assets.»
Chambers Europe 2022 - Real Estate
« Finally, the practice fields one of the market’s most renowned real estate finance expertise, often acting for banks on the structuring of the market’s largest financings. Frédéric Nouel directs the strong practice which also includes: Stanislas Dwernicki, Eric Martin-Impératori, Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse, Bertrand Oldra, Christopher Szostak, Hugues Moreau, Jean-François Levraud, Nicolas Planchot and Constantin Miliotis, who made partner in early 2020. »
Legal 500 EMEA 2021
« Hugues Moreau advises real estate developers and investors on portfolio acquisitions, including hotels and logistics assets mandates. Clients describe him as "really energetic, dedicated and always available." »
Chambers Europe 2021
« Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.'s stellar 40-lawyer team allows the firm to handle a high volume of transactions for a wide base of clients, including many leading French and international investors, developers and banks. The practice was recently involved in several landmark transactions, notably advising on high-end retail and residential portfolio deals. The practice also helped with the negotiation of strategic partnerships and advised on many major office and retail property asset transactions, as well as on new significant urban development projects and major lease negotiations. The property finance expertise also ranks among the finest in France and is entrusted by banks and investors to advise on the structuring of their largest transactions. Finally, the firm also undertakes complex corporate and fund formation work. Frédéric Nouel heads a practice which combines many experienced partners including: Stanislas Dwernicki, Eric Martin-Impératori, Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse, Bertrand Oldra, Christopher Szostak, Hugues Moreau, Jean-François Levraud and Nicolas Planchot . Kamel Ben Salah, Rémi Tabbagh and Laetitia Lemercier all provide high-end real estate property expertise. Counsel Constantin Miliotis is also recommended. »
Legal 500 EMEA 2020
« Hugues Moreau joins this year's ranking following excellent market feedback. He has experience working for real estate investors and developers. Sources laud his client-oriented approach, with one impressed interviewee remarking: 'He knows how to present all the red flags in a way that doesn’t scare the board; he is always trying to bring a solution to a problem.' »
Chambers Europe 2020