Pionner du droit international de la concurrence et du commerce avec la création du bureau de Bruxelles en 1967, Gide n’a cessé de développer cette activité, aux enjeux majeurs pour nos clients, en Europe et hors d’Europe. Gide les aide à mieux en maîtriser les règles et à en faire des vecteurs de leur développement.
La spécificité et la constante évolution des règles juridiques requièrent l'intervention d'une équipe réactive capable de traiter l’ensemble des problématiques de droit économique, en particulier celles relatives à la concurrence et au commerce international.
Gide compte parmi les meilleurs spécialistes dans ces domaines. Plus de 70 avocats répartis dans les bureaux situés à Paris, Bruxelles, en Europe centrale et orientale, Afrique du Nord et Asie sont dédiés à cette activité. Nos équipes ont une parfaite connaissance du contexte juridique, économique et politique local et sont en relation constante avec les autorités nationales et communautaires. Dans les pays où Gide n'est pas implanté, nos équipes travaillent en étroite collaboration avec des cabinets locaux de premier plan (notamment les cabinets membres de l’Alliance et ceux du réseau Lex Mundi), avec lesquels nous avons noué des relations privilégiées.
Nous mobilisons pour chaque dossier les meilleurs spécialistes du droit économique, afin de répondre aux problématiques, souvent complexes, auxquelles sa clientèle doit faire face dans le développement de ses activités (antitrust, contrôle des concentrations, contrôles des aides d’état et des subventions, monopoles et déréglementation, commerce international, mais aussi droit de la distribution, droit de la consommation et de la publicité au niveau national, européen ou international). Que ce soit pour le conseil ou le contentieux, le savoir-faire de nos équipes leur permet d’apporter des solutions pratiques, sur-mesure et innovantes.
Nos avocats interviennent régulièrement devant les autorités de concurrence et les juridictions nationales, européennes et internationales, dans le cadre d'arbitrages, ou encore lors d'enquêtes menées par les régulateurs.
Fort de son expérience, Gide conseille une clientèle d'entreprises de premier plan intervenant dans des secteurs économiques variés, tels que les services financiers, les transports, les télécommunications, la distribution, le secteur du luxe, l'énergie, les médias ou encore le secteur agro-alimentaire et a développé une connaissance approfondie des particularités de ces activités et de la réglementation sectorielle correspondante.
Nos principales spécialités :
Özdirekcan Dündar Şenocak Ak fields ‘a very dynamic team with an excellent background in the subject‘ for competition law. The practice assists with transactional matters involving complex competition law implications, compliance training, and investigations by the TCA in a variety of sectors; the automotive and dairy industries being recent areas of activity. Arpat Şenocak heads the team and has expertise on the M&A side of things. Senior associate İklim Gülsün Aytekin concentrates her practice in competition law and comes highly praised by the firm’s clients.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Turkey - Competition
The Warsaw-based Gide Loyrette Nouel team operates as an integrated part of the firm's multi-jurisdictional network, and is consequently particularly well placed to handle competition law mandates with complex cross-border elements. As well as advising on the gamut of consumer protections issues, the group regularly assists with matters relating to commercial agreements, including distribution systems. Dariusz Tokarczuk heads up the practice, with Szymon Chwaliński also playing a key role.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Poland - Competition / Antitrust
Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I focuses on complex regulatory advice to international financial services clients, encompassing banking regulations, payment services issues, and most notably ESG and sustainability matters, both pertaining to operational and transactional work. The firm counts among its clients major banks, insurers, fintech providers, and investment funds, and is able to act on EU-wide and a variety of domestic regulatory mandates, including legislative and non-legislative frameworks. Benoît Le Bret leads the team, offering strong experience in negotiations before and litigation against EU agencies and courts, alongside Romain Rard, promoted to partner in July 2022, and a specialist in financial services regulatory matters for corporates and professional associations as well as financial institutions.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - China - Antitrsut & Competition : Foreing firms
The team at Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I supports clients with WTO applications alongside lodging complaints regarding unfair practices such as poor enforcement of EU regulation, dumping and subsidised imports. The practice also supports EU businesses with the development of WTO and trade law activities. The practice is jointly headed by Olivier Prost , who has expertise in trade defences, alongside Anna Claudia Coelho Dias who is routinely engaged in customs and export control. A further standout name is Clément Bouvarel, who specialises in international regulatory issues, customs, and WTO law.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Belgium - Customs / Trade / WTO & Anti-Dumping
Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I advises an international client base, including major names in telecoms, financial services, and private equity, on a broad range of European competition issues, such as merger approvals, state aid applications, and cartel investigations, as well as offering a standout capability in representing third parties bringing complaints in abuse of dominance proceedings. An extensive Brussels-based team leverages the firm’s global reach in handling cross-border mandates, with key names including Laurent Godfroid, Stéphane Hautbourg, Benoît Le Bret, Ségolène Pelsy, Romain Rard, who was promoted to partner in July 2022, Anna Dias, and Olivier Prost.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Belgium - Competition : EU & Global
Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. frequently handles the antitrust elements of acquisitions, with Dimitri Dimitrov working on a rare pharmaceutical merger to be assessed by the FCA; he is supported by associate Charles Terdjman. Another strength of the firm is in follow-on damages claims, overseen by Franck Audran and Laura Castex. The agroindustry is a key sector for the firm, with Audran, Castex and members of the Brussels team defending multiple clients against an FCA statement of objections, while FCA investigations is another area of experience. Emmanuel Reille is another key name. Associate Elizabeth Gautier provides additional support.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - EU, Competition & Distribution
An independent law firm headquartered in Paris with a network of offices in key markets across Europe and further afield. The firm has had a presence in Poland since 1991, and the Warsaw office comprises over 30 practitioners currently, providing advice to clients across finance, M&A and dispute resolution. The Polish team is experienced collaborating with French colleagues and others in the firm's office network, as well as with partner firms. Benefiting from the expertise and resources in teams across EMEA, North America and Asia, the firm's Polish lawyers are well versed in international work. The group predominantly advises on finance and corporate matters across jurisdictions, adept at handling both inbound and outbound deals. Active on both public and private transactions, teams serve clients from sectors including financial services, healthcare, construction, real estate and IT.
Chambers Global 2023 - Poland - International & Cross-Border
Gide Loyrette Nouel is an independent law firm headquartered in Paris with a network of international offices which has built up a significant international pedigree. With a team of highly-reputable lawyers that has occupied a longstanding high-end position in the French market, the firm serves a large and broad array of French and international clients. Its full-service practice has a strong appeal for clients across a wide range of cross-border transactional and contentious matters.
Chambers Global 2023 - International & Cross-Border
Gide Loyrette Nouel regularly advises on merger control issues arising from planned M&A and joint venture transactions. It has further experience in EC abuse of dominance investigations, with a focus on advising complainants and interveners. It is particularly active for TMT, transport, energy and utilities companies and stands out for its focus on French and Polish clients, whom it represents before both national and EU authorities.
Chambers Global 2023 - Belgium - Competition : EU
Gide Loyrette Nouel has solid experience in contentious matters, often advising clients on cartel and abuse of dominance investigations before the French Competition Authority and on litigation before national courts and European institutions, including private enforcement actions. The law firm also covers merger control mandates and distribution issues. The team's solid client base includes household names spanning a range of industry sectors such as transport, cosmetics and agriculture.
Chambers Europe 2023
Gide Loyrette Nouel regularly advises on merger control issues arising from planned M&A and joint venture transactions. It has further experience in EC abuse of dominance investigations, with a focus on advising complainants and interveners. It is particularly active for TMT, transport, energy and utilities companies and stands out for its focus on French and Polish clients, whom it represents before both national and EU authorities.
Chambers Europe 2023 - Belgium
Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I advises its international client base on the full range of competition issues, encompassing cross-border merger control, state aid issues, cartel cases, and sectoral and behavioural investigations. The team includes a variety of sectoral and jurisdictional expertise, and is headed up by Laurent Godfroid , Stéphane Hautbourg, Benoît Le Bret, Olivier Prost , Ségolène Pelsy and Anna Claudia Coelho Dias.
Legal 500 EMEA 2022 - Belgium
Gide Loyrette Nouel is a key complainant-side practice, assisting EU steel and biofuel producers and fish importers with the imposition of new trade remedies or with the defence of the same in interim or expiry reviews. The law firm handles trade investigations carried out in foreign jurisdictions, with proven experience in the defence of EU-based companies facing GCC, EAEU, Moroccan and Turkish trade defence investigations. Gide has built up a strong Brussels-based team of individuals with previous experience working within the EC and WTO.
Chambers Global 2022
Gide Loyrette Nouel advises telecommunications, oil and gas and utilities companies on merger control issues arising from planned corporate transactions. It advises on the need to notify for joint ventures in the defence sector. The firm also acts on state aid matters for clients in the energy sector and in other industries heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is particularly active for French and Polish clients before both national and EU authorities.
Chambers Europe 2022 - Belgium
Gide Loyrette Nouel has solid experience in contentious matters, often advising clients on investigations before the French Competition Authority and litigation before national courts and European institutions, including private enforcement actions. The law firm covers cartels, abuse of dominant position and merger control mandates, as well as distribution issues. The team's solid client base includes household names spanning a range of industry sectors such as transport, cosmetics and retail.
Chambers Europe 2022
Advises transport, telecommunications, and oil and gas sector clients on merger control issues arising from planned corporate transactions. Assists third parties with interventions in EU merger investigations. Represents complainants and defendants in abuse of dominance investigations and in CJEU appeals of subsequent infringement decisions. Also acts on state aid cases for clients in the energy and gaming industries. Particularly active for French and Polish clients before both national and EU authorities.
Chambers Global 2021