Deals & Disputes

Gide advised Goodspeed on securing an investor – Enterprise Investors

Gide Warsaw supported Goodspeed, a leading diet meal delivery service in Poland, in the process of securing an investor – Polish Enterprise Fund VIII, a private equity fund managed by Enterprise Investors. 

As part of the investment, PEF VIII will acquire 49.8% of the shares in the company. Goodspeed’s founders – Sylwester and Paweł Rypina – will remain its majority shareholders.

The Gide team, comprising partner, Paweł Grześkowiak, associate, Wojciech Czyżewski and associate, Magdalena Zawiślak, was responsible for structuring the transaction, preparing the client for the due diligence process, developing the transaction documentation and the exit strategy.

Goodspeed is a leader in highly specialised temperature-controlled logistics services for diet catering manufacturers in Poland. It makes deliveries throughout the country. Its unique know-how and logistics processes are well adapted to the specifics of the market (including its own IT platform), allowing the company to maintain the highest level of service quality, combined with excellent efficiency in the logistics chain.

Enterprise Investors is one of the largest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe. It has been active since 1990 and has established nine funds. These funds have invested or undertaken to invest a total of EUR 2.2 billion in 154 companies, and have completed investments in 137 companies.