L’équipe Arbitrage International de Gide conseille ses clients en fonction de leurs besoins spécifiques et les représente en tout endroit du monde. Nos clients nous confient leurs litiges, qu’ils soient soumis à un droit civiliste ou à un droit de common law, en sachant que nous traitons chacun de nos dossiers avec énergie, pragmatisme et rigueur.
Nos équipes peuvent vous conseiller à tous les stades d’un litige. Nos avocats ont l’habitude des dossiers factuellement ou juridiquement complexes, transnationaux ou stratégiques. Nous avons l’expérience de l’ensemble des modes alternatifs de résolution des litiges, et notamment de négociation, médiation, avis d’expert ou adjudication. Chaque fois que possible, nous nous attachons à définir avec nos clients les solutions créatives ou constructives les plus adaptées. Lorsque le litige évolue en phase contentieuse, nous sommes en mesure de mettre en place une équipe dédiée constituée d’experts, comprenant en tant que de besoin des spécialistes de nos autres équipes ou puisées dans nos différents bureaux, reconnus pour leurs qualités de plaideurs.
Nous intervenons également dans les contentieux judiciaires périphériques des procédures d’arbitrage, qu’il s’agisse notamment de mesures conservatoires ou provisoires, ou de recours en annulation contre les sentences arbitrales.
Notre équipe a une réputation établie pour les litiges relatifs à un grand nombre secteurs : opérations d’acquisitions ou sociétés communes, litiges contractuels, hydrocarbures, énergie, mines et ressources naturelles, propriété intellectuelle, banque et finances, distribution, ventes internationales, construction, pour n’en citer que certains. Nous intervenons également aux côtés d’investisseurs, d’Etats ou de personnes morales de droit public pour des arbitrages relatifs à des investissements, objet de procédures soumises aux règles CIRDI ou à d’autres règlements. Certains membres de notre équipe sont également des arbitres reconnus.
Nous avons l’expérience des principaux règlements d’arbitrage, institutionnels ou ad hoc. Notre équipe multiculturelle a une expérience approfondie de nombreux droits, et la capacité de s’appuyer le cas échéant sur les membres de notre réseau de l’Alliance ou nos contacts dans d’autres cabinets correspondants.
Références :
As part of Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP's global disputes practice, the London international dispute resolution (IDR) team has Africa-related arbitration expertise, and also fields specialists in investor-state disputes. Heading up the London IDR department, Rupert Reece acts in arbitrations in both English and French, while Saadia Bhatty and Hannah McIrvine provide counsel-level support.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - England - International Arbitration
Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP‘s ‘very strong‘ London arbitration practice focuses on both commercial and investment disputes, predominantly in the international energy and infrastructure sectors. London IDR head Rupert Reece specialises in international arbitration proceedings concerning joint ventures, construction contracts, aerospace, and international commerce; and counsel Hannah McIrvine is the firm’s insurance arbitration specialist in London. ‘Brilliant lawyer‘ and international investment and commercial arbitration expert Saadia Bhatty was promoted to partner in July 2022.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - England - Dispute Resolution : International Arbitration
Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.'s team frequently collaborates with its London counterparts to cover civil and common law issues. The firm has a strong presence in Africa-related matters and acts for a number of African states as well as companies, in matters relating to infrastructure, construction, mining, M&A and tax issues. Its investment and commercial arbitration practice also extends to several other industries and countries and the group has recently been retained by the French state to handle a major mining case. The team is also well known for its strong tribunal litigation expertise in relation to arbitration and is notably acting for the ICC court in a key matter before French courts. The team is co-headed by Carole Malinvaud, who is increasingly sought after as an arbitrator (she has been named chair in several ICSID arbitration cases), Christian Camboulive, Alexandra Munoz and London-based Saadia Bhatty, who was promoted to partner in 2022.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Dispute Resolution : International Arbitration
Gide Loyrette Nouel boasts longstanding expertise in a range of commercial arbitration topics, especially those relating to construction contracts for energy, infrastructure or real estate projects in African, Latin American and European jurisdictions. The law firm often acts for French corporates and state-owned companies on shareholder disputes and the termination of commercial contracts. The lawyers have further experience in expropriation cases and post-M&A disputes.
Chambers Europe & Global 2023
Gide Loyrette Nouel is a major French firm that handles international arbitration from its Paris office, with further support based in London. The team primarily assists with commercial arbitration proceedings and has experience in cases seated in Paris and Geneva under ICC and Swiss rules. European states also mandate Gide for its strength in UNCITRAL cases regarding mining projects. The team is particularly involved in disputes relating to Africa.
Chambers Europe 2023 - Europe-Wide - Arbitration (International)
As part of Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP's global disputes practice, the London international dispute resolution (IDR) team has Africa-related arbitration expertise, and also fields specialists in investor-state disputes. Heading up the London IDR department, Rupert Reece acts in arbitrations in both English and French, while Saadia Bhatty and Hannah McIrvine provide counsel-level support.
Legal 500 London 2022 - International Arbitration
L’équipe d’arbitrage de Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. est principalement basée au bureau de Paris mais comprend aussi quelques membres installés à Londres. Le cabinet gère un volant important d'arbitrages commerciaux. Il est souvent impliqué dans des affaires dans les secteurs de la construction et de l'énergie, en relation avec l'Europe et l'Afrique. Il agit pour une clientèle française et internationale, dont des entreprises chinoises, turques, américaines et européennes. Les dossiers d'exequatur recouvrent enfin un fort savoir-faire. L'équipe est codirigée par Christian Camboulive, Carole Malinvaud qui a récemment été nommée présidente dans un arbitrage CIRDI, Alexandra Munoz et Rupert Reece qui exerce depuis Londres. Sont également recommandés, les counsels Sacha Willaume et Saadia Bhatty qui est basée à Londres.
Legal 500 Paris 2022 - Résolution de litiges : Arbitrage international
As part of Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP's global disputes practice, the London international dispute resolution (IDR) team has Africa-related arbitration expertise, and also fields specialists in investor-state disputes. Heading up the London IDR department, Rupert Reece acts in arbitrations in both English and French, while Saadia Bhatty and Hannah McIrvine provide counsel-level support.
Legal 500 EMEA 2022 - England
Major French firm that handles international arbitration from its Paris office. Primarily assists with commercial arbitration proceedings and has experience in cases seated in Paris, Geneva and London. Acts for clients on proceedings arising out of contractual disputes. Teams in Warsaw and London play a supporting role in construction cases relating to delayed energy and real estate projects in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa.
Chambers Europe & Global 2022
Gide Loyrette Nouel boasts longstanding expertise in a range of commercial arbitration topics, especially those relating to construction contracts for energy, infrastructure or real estate projects in African, Latin American and European jurisdictions. The law firm often acts for French corporates and insurance companies on shareholder disputes and the termination of commercial contracts. The team also handles setting-aside proceedings. The lawyers have further experience in expropriation cases and post-M&A disputes.
Chambers Europe & Global 2022
Major French firm that handles prominent international arbitrations from its Paris office. Primarily assists with commercial arbitration proceedings and is experienced in cases under ICC rules. Acts for clients on proceedings arising out of contractual disputes. Further teams in Warsaw and London often play a supporting role in construction cases relating to delayed energy and real estate projects in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa.
Chambers Global 2021
Long-standing expertise in a range of commercial arbitration topics, especially those relating to construction contracts for energy, infrastructure or real estate projects in African, Latin American and European jurisdictions. Often acts for French corporates and insurance companies on shareholder disputes and the termination of commercial contracts. Also handles setting-aside proceedings. Further experience in expropriation cases and post-M&A disputes.
Chambers Global 2021
Longstanding expertise in a range of commercial arbitration topics, especially those relating to construction contracts for energy, infrastructure or real estate projects in African, Latin American and European jurisdictions. Often acts for French corporates and insurance companies on shareholder disputes and the termination of commercial contracts. Also handles setting-aside proceedings. Further experience in expropriation cases and post-M&A disputes.
Chambers Europe 2021
Major French firm that handles prominent international arbitrations from its Paris office. Primarily assists with commercial arbitration proceedings and is experienced in cases under ICC rules. Acts for clients on proceedings arising out of contractual disputes. Further teams in Warsaw and London often play a supporting role in construction cases relating to delayed energy and real estate projects in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa.
Chambers Europe 2021