Press release

Gide sponsors the 5th Euromed-Africa Forum

Gide sponsors the 5th Euromed Capital Forum, to be held in Casablanca on 21 & 22 January 2016 (Hyatt Regency hotel).

This fifth edition aims to boost private equity and exchanges between the various stakeholders and partners in the Euro-Mediterranean region and Africa.  It will be turned towards the African continent, with the main topics of discussion on shared growth, the internationalization of companies, the role of private equity in job creation and innovation, infrastructure as a field of opportunities for a sustainable economy and inclusive finance as emerging vector.

The 2016 edition will bring together stakeholders of all the financing chain to inform on future challenges, share best practices, foster partnerships between Europe and Africa, and participate in networking sequences.

Gide’s managing partner Stéphane Puel and partner Ann Baker (Investment Fund & Asset Management), Jean-François Levraud, the partner in charge of our Casablanca office, partner Julien David (M&A / Private Equity, and former head of Gide Casablanca), partner Mariam Rouissi (Banking & Finance) and counsel Simon Auquier (M&A), will participate to the forum.

Stéphane Puel will speak at the Panel No. 3 focusing on “Private Equity, innovation et emploi, une chaîne indissociable” on Friday, 22 January 2016.

For further information on our Casablanca office, click here.