Gide, counsel to the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire on drafting the Code of Construction and Habitat
From 12 to 14 November 2018 in Grand Bassam, Gide took part in the validation workshop of the draft Ivorian Code of construction and habitat, chaired by the Minister for Construction, Housing and Town Planning of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, M. Bruno Koné Nabagné.
The Gide team, which wrote the Code’s draft project alongside Ivorian firm 3K, led the three-day seminar attended by around fifty national experts in the field (in particular representatives of Primature, members of the various Ministries concerned, sector professional organisations, CIE, SODECI and CODINORM).
Following the workshop, M. Bruno Koné Nabagné congratulated the attendees for their active participation that made it possible to formulate recommendations to improve the draft Code and approve its terms.
The assignment was coordinated by partner Nicolas Jean, and carried out by Gide partners Emmanuel Vital-Durand and Nicolas Planchot and 3K partner Adama Koné, with Gide associates Roméo Mognon (Real Estate Transactions & Financing), Célia Alao (Projects – Finance & Infrastructure) and Thomas Brusq (Public Law).