Deadline of 7 October for contributions to Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) transition review into anti-dumping measures on ceramic tiles from China
Trade remedies prevent injury to UK industries caused by unfair trading practices (e.g. dumping and foreign state subsidies) and unforeseen surges in imports. The measures secure greater profitability, as domestic industry regains its competitive advantage.
Launched on 1 June 2021, the UK Trade Remedies Authority (« TRA ») has become fully operational, conducting reviews and investigations across a variety of sectors. Trade remedies represent a practical, efficient and long-term solution for UK industry.
On 22 September the Trade Remedies Authority launched a transition review into anti-dumping measures on ceramic tiles from China with a deadline of 7 October for contributions to the review from affected businesses.
These measures are among those inherited from the EU system and have been in place for 11 years. The TRA is reviewing them to establish whether they are still suitable for the UK’s needs.
The products in scope of this anti-dumping transition review include glazed and unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles, as well as glazed and unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes – all commodity codes in scope are listed in the case’s public file.
The UK imported over £382 million worth of these tiles in 2021, with 1.5% of these imports coming from China. Chinese imports of tiles to the UK currently face duty rates ranging from 14% to 70%.
The period of investigation for this transition review will be 1 July 2021 until 30 June 2022 and the injury period will be 1 July 2018 until 30 June 2022.
Businesses that may be affected by this review (such as importers or exporters of the products or UK producers of similar products) can contribute to the review process by registering their interest in the case on the TRA’s online case platform by 7 October 2022. All new developments in the case will be posted on the TRA’s public file.
In November 2022, Gide’s International Trade team will work with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce to run a Business Breakfast on the topic of Trade Remedies.
From identifying the key indicators of unfair trade practices, through an overview of the work of the Trade Remedies Authority, to the stages of an investigation, experts from Gide’s London and Brussels teams will provide attendees with an understanding of how their companies can be aided by the UK’s relatively new ability to implement anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguarding measures.
The panel of Gide speakers will share their experience of the developing trade remedies regime in the UK and it will include experts from Brussels who have been helping clients (both from Europe and the UK) to benefit from trade remedies for over 30 years. Gide was one of the first firms to recognise the trade remedies opportunities presented by Brexit and build a presence on the UK market, actively engaging with the Trade Remedies Authority during the development of the new regime.
Register your interest in this event by sending an email to and in the meantime please contact our International Trade team with any queries you may have in this area.