Deals & Disputes

Gide advises the consortium of investors comprising Hy24, PGGM, Bpifrance and Mirova on the €120 million fundraising of Elyse Energy

Elyse Energy, a pioneering French company producing sustainable fuels and low-carbon feedstock, secured c. EUR120 million euros from Hy24, PGGM, Bpifrance and Mirova.

Under the transaction, Elyse Energy received renewed support from its long-standing partners: Hy24, the world’s leading private asset manager focused on the hydrogen economy, and Mirova, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, fully committed to sustainable investment. Hy24 strengthened its commitment to Elyse Energy by acquiring a stake in the company through its ‘Clean Hydrogen Infrastructure Fund’, a fund that serves as the reference partner for the most advanced hydrogen project developers in France and worldwide.

In addition, two new investors joined the funding round: PGGM, a leading Dutch pension fund investor, through its Climate and Energy Transition Solutions mandate provided by its client Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW), and Bpifrance, the French public investment bank, a key player in France for both reindustrialization and companies’ ecological and energy transition.

Elyse Energy has a diversified portfolio of projects producing sustainable aviation fuels and e-methanol in France and the Iberian Peninsula. This funding round will enable Elyse Energy to pursue the development of its most advanced projects to final investment decision (FID), a prerequisite for launching construction, while consolidating and expanding its project portfolio. When operational, its most advanced projects – BioTJet, eM-Rhône and eM-Numancia – would save c.700,000 tons of CO₂ equivalents per year, at the same time as contributing to European security of energy supply and reindustrialization.

The Gide team was led by partner Alexis Pailleret and associate Chloé Bouhours, and included Sophia Messedi on corporate/M&A aspects; partner Marie Bouvet-Guiramand and associate Pauline Coulon on project aspects; Emma George, Léa Couturier and Camille Fromentin on public law aspects; and counsel Pauline Manet and associate Johanna Degraëve, on employment law aspects.

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