Deals & Disputes

Gide partners the first Forum des Avocates

Gide commits to diversity by partnering the first edition of the Forum des Avocates (Women Lawyers’ forum), a new component of the 2014 Forum de la Mixité F/H.

The Forum des Avocates is dedicated to the careers of women lawyers and corporate legal consultants, with this first edition addressing three major issues affecting the legal profession: the difficulties in being made up to partner, the need to network, and the importance of increasing one’s visibility.

Partner Nadège Nguyen, recently elected to Gide’s Management Committee, will talk about women’s careers in law, in particular in major business law firms. Through concrete examples drawn from her own experience, she will address the following questions: why and at what point do women leave law firms? What individual and collective solutions can be put in place to bring about gender balance? She will present the process and actions already set in motion by the firm, and their implementation on the short and medium term.

Gide Senior Partner Baudouin de Moucheron states: “Developing the careers of women in law is a major challenge for businesses as a whole. In realising that, with similar expertise and the same educational background, certain women lawyers do not reach the same objectives as their male counterparts, Gide has decided to resolutely commit to equality and diversity to shake up the entire legal sector. It is one of the firm’s major priorities for the coming years.”

Click here to find out more about the firm’s diversity policy.