L’équipe Dérivés & Produits Structurés de Gide est dédiée à la structuration, documentation, collatéralisation et réglementation des opérations de produits dérivés et produits structurés sur tout type de sous-jacent (equity, credit, fixed income, fund, commodity, energy, inflation, weather, property, etc.) et de cessions temporaires. Basée principalement à Paris et à Londres, l'équipe intervient à la fois sur les marchés matures et les marchés émergents.
Forte de son expertise et de son expérience, notre équipe Dérivés & Produits Structurés conseille régulièrement ses clients sur la structuration juridique d'une large gamme de dérivés et produits structurés, ainsi que sur la réglementation applicable à ces produits. Elle assure pour cela une veille réglementaire.
Gide possède un important track record en matière d'opérations complexes à haute valeur ajoutée, notamment dérivés actions stratégiques et dérivés de crédit structurés (credit linked notes, CDO, CPPI, CPDO, CFXO), ainsi qu'en matière de pensions livrées structurées, qu’elles soient conclues dans le cadre d’opérations de gestion ou de transfert du risque, de financement ou de constitution d’une position sur un actif financier. Notre équipe intervient également systématiquement dans des opérations de couverture pour les financements structurés (titrisations, covered bonds, financements bancaires corporate ou d’actifs, financements de projets), en étroite collaboration avec les autres équipes de la ligne de métiers Banque & Finance.
Outre notre intervention sur les marchés matures, nous disposons d’une expérience significative sur les marchés émergents, tout particulièrement en Europe centrale et orientale, Asie et en Afrique du Nord. Nos avocats interviennent régulièrement sur la structuration d’opérations pionnières dans ces juridictions.
Plusieurs membres de l’équipe Dérivés et Produits Structurés sont issus de la banque d'affaires ou ont bénéficié de détachements auprès de banques d'affaires internationales, permettant ainsi à l'équipe de mieux comprendre et prendre en compte les intérêts commerciaux de ses clients lors du conseil qu’il leur est prodigué.
Gide intervient comme conseil auprès des banques et autres institutions financières, corporates, fonds d’investissement et hedge funds, ainsi que des collectivités locales et institutions publiques sur une large gamme d'opérations impliquant des produits dérivés et produits structurés, ainsi que sur leurs aspects réglementaires. Gide est également actif dans le règlement pour le compte de ses clients des aspects contentieux ou pré-contentieux liés à ce type d’opérations.
Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP has ‘a dedicated team based on a solid and stable senior team of partners and counsel who are really aware of clients’ operational constraints‘. The firm specialises in structuring, documentation, collateralisation and regulatory issues relating to derivatives and structured products across equity, credit, fixed income, fund, commodity, energy, inflation, weather, property and other asset classes, as well as handling repos and securities lending transactions. Best known for acting for French banks, the London finance group is increasingly acting for corporates across Europe on derivatives matters. Lead partner Karine Imbrosciano is ‘a dedicated lawyer always available and very easy to talk with‘.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - England - Finance : Derivatives & Structured Products
The experienced team at Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. remains a leader in the practice space, advising major domestic and international financial institutions (BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Barclays) and asset managers, services airlines (Air France) and corporates such as Veolia across such sectors as car rentals, waste management and data and analytics, on a wide range of securitisation transactions and asset-backed finance transactions. The team is headed by Arnaud Duhamel, who focuses on strategic equity derivatives transactions and equity financings, and structured derivative products specialist Laurent Vincent. Counsel Clément Vandevooghel brings expertise to loan portfolio sales (including non-performing loans), asset-backed lending and debt capital markets. Samir Bensaker was promoted to partner in July 2022. Co-practice head Xavier Chassin de Kergommeaux departed in February 2023.
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - Derivatives & Structured Finance
The structured finance practice at Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP is 'very responsive and provides great insight into market'. The firm handles structuring, documentation, collateralisation and regulatory issues relating to derivatives and structured products in a vast range of asset classes, among them equity, credit, fixed income, fund, commodity, energy, inflation and weather, as well as repos and securities lending transactions. Head of derivatives & structured products Karine Imbrosciano and London head of banking & finance Dimitrios Logizidis are the lead partners. Imbrosciano and her team are 'both technically astute and kind people to spend time and work with', remarks a client. She recently advised a consortium of ten banks, among them mBank and BNP Paribas Bank Polska, on the negotiation of the hedging documentation to be entered into with chemical company Ciech S.A.
Legal 500 London 2022 - Derivatives & Structured Products
The structured finance practice at Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP is 'very responsive and provides great insight into market'. The firm handles structuring, documentation, collateralisation and regulatory issues relating to derivatives and structured products in a vast range of asset classes, among them equity, credit, fixed income, fund, commodity, energy, inflation and weather, as well as repos and securities lending transactions. Head of derivatives & structured products Karine Imbrosciano and London head of banking & finance Dimitrios Logizidis are the lead partners. Imbrosciano and her team are 'both technically astute and kind people to spend time and work with', remarks a client. She recently advised a consortium of ten banks, among them mBank and BNP Paribas Bank Polska, on the negotiation of the hedging documentation to be entered into with chemical company Ciech S.A.The structured finance practice at Gide Loyrette Nouel LLP is 'very responsive and provides great insight into market'. The firm handles structuring, documentation, collateralisation and regulatory issues relating to derivatives and structured products in a vast range of asset classes, among them equity, credit, fixed income, fund, commodity, energy, inflation and weather, as well as repos and securities lending transactions. Head of derivatives & structured products Karine Imbrosciano and London head of banking & finance Dimitrios Logizidis are the lead partners. Imbrosciano and her team are 'both technically astute and kind people to spend time and work with', remarks a client. She recently advised a consortium of ten banks, among them mBank and BNP Paribas Bank Polska, on the negotiation of the hedging documentation to be entered into with chemical company Ciech S.A.
Legal 500 EMEA 2022 - England