Gide possède une expérience reconnue en matière de droit pénal du travail (harcèlement, discrimination, prêt de main d’œuvre, travail dissimulé, emploi des étrangers en France, accidents du travail, entrave au fonctionnement des institutions représentatives du personnel, grève).
Les avocats de notre ligne de métiers Droit Social interviennent comme conseil des entreprises et de leurs dirigeants. Ils les représentent devant les juridictions répressives françaises et étrangères dès les premières phases des enquêtes d’inspection du travail, de l’enquête préliminaire et de la phase de l’instruction et ce, jusqu'aux plaidoiries devant les formations de jugement.
Notre cabinet est également l'interlocuteur privilégié des dirigeants confrontés aux implications pénales des actes de gestion de l'entreprise.
Well-established team assisting with mass redundancies, executive dismissals and corporate restructurings. Additionally adept at representing companies in employee litigation. Acts for clients from a range of industry sectors, including energy, banking and technology. Also advises on relations with staff representative bodies, including works councils and trade unions. One client highlights lawyers' 'adaptability and extremely rigorous approach.' Additional sources praise the team's 'great technical competence' and 'top-notch' service,adding: 'It is an enormous advantage that it is a full service firm, so can also provide input on other subjects when necessary.'
Chambers Europe 2019
Gide Loyrette Nouel has a large and very experienced team of more than 20 lawyers, who are regularly instructed on challenging work. The team's current workload includes acting for clients in mass disputes involving several hundreds of employment terminations, sometimes in the context of insolvency proceedings. The practice is notably representing European ferry company DFDS Seaways in litigation arising from the employment termination of some 600 employees, as well as Recylex in disputes connected with the employment termination of 800 employees. It also advised on major restructuring projects. The firm is entrusted by high-profile French and international companies including stellar names in the energy and luxury goods sectors. Akers and Stora Senso are also clients. Baudouin de Moucheron, Foulques de Rostolan, David Jonin and François Vergne are highly regarded.
Legal 500 EMEA 2019