Gide traite l'ensemble des contentieux relatifs aux fusions-acquisitions, droit des sociétés et aux difficultés des entreprises.
Nous assistons en particulier nos clients dans le cadre des contentieux qui interviennent fréquemment à l'occasion de conflits d'actionnaires, de mises en jeu de garantie de passif, ou d'opérations de reprise d'entreprises en difficulté.
Notre ligne de métiers assiste également ses clients dans le cadre des actions en responsabilité exercées par les mandataires de justice à l'occasion des procédures de redressement ou liquidation judiciaires. Elle a un savoir-faire particulier dans la défense des établissements financiers à l'occasion des actions en responsabilité engagées à leur encontre, ainsi que dans la défense des dirigeants sociaux dans les actions en comblement de passif ou en sanctions personnelles.
Gide conseille enfin ses clients dans le cadre des procédures pénales pouvant intervenir à l'occasion de procédures collectives.
A highly regarded practice with particular proficiency concerning OHADA law, Gide Loyrette Nouel offers comprehensive services covering francophone and North Africa generally. The team represents a number of African private equity funds, as well as international conglomerates, in their acquisitions, divestments and joint ventures on the continent. The firm is particularly active in transactions involving energy and oil and gas projects and assets. Gide's Africa expertise is spread across a number of its offices, with the practice being primarily run from Paris, Algiers, Casablanca and Tunis. Additionally, clients benefit from the firm's strategic alliance with market-leading South African law firm Bowmans.
Chambers Global 2023 - Africa-Wide
Gide Loyrette Nouel combines strong French expertise with the ability to advise international companies on cross-border matters. The lawyers regularly handle sophisticated joint venture and M&A transactions, as well as corporate structure issues. The law firm enjoys a significant depth of experience in many different industries including banking, real estate, energy and TMT. The team also acts for shareholders on the sale of companies.
Chambers Europe 2023
Gide Loyrette Nouel is a Polish outfit of a French firm assisting both international and domestic clients with all aspects of M&A. The law firm also offers corporate advice. The team is active on deals relating to the food production, healthcare and IT sectors. The firm has a strong following of Polish clients in addition to francophone names.
Chambers Europe & Global 2023 - Poland - Corporate / M&A : High-End Capability